Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Obviously, channel 26 cannot be beat in terms of public access television.
Lately, Jacob has been jumping the baby gate and waiting right next to the door so he can run outside when I get home. This is the second night in a row I have had to pull him out from under a parked car. Hello, the gate is there so you won't get out, beebeard. Why can't he be like Jasper, and run away when I open the door?
It's so late, Jason might be home in not too long. I guess attending city council meetings is a good way to pass the time between when I leave work and when he gets home.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Merry Christmas to us.
In other happy news, Jason is getting out of the Navy in March and we're moving to Massachusetts! This means he won't go on the six-month (November 2007 to March 2008) cruise I'd been not-so-silently dreading. I love being a Navy wife, and I am endlessly proud of Jason for all he's accomplished as a sailor, but having him home with me is far more important than anywhere they could possibly send him and any accolade they could possibly give him.
As a result, we canceled the lease for the apartment we were going to move to, and I told my boss I'll be leaving. It will be interesting to see how they'll deal with replacing me.
Lest you think Jason got nothing for his stellar jewelry fetching, behold his ultimate reward: a cat-proof entertainment center and a TV wider than my backside--37 inches (the TV, not me). He swears he'll never want a bigger TV. Yeah, right.