Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good morning, happy birthday, goodbye what I said to Jason this morning, in a nutshell. He flew home to Massachusetts at the crack of dawn today, his 28th birthday, because his grandmother died earlier this week. She was 95.

I also told him I loved him, of course, but I said that like a millionty times and all those I love yous would not have made for a snappy title.

He hasn't seen his family since March, so it'll be good for him to have a few days with them.

(...I haven't seen my family since December, boo.)

All of the talk about loss and funerals lately has me thinking about my own heart-wrenching goodbyes: my grandma, who passed away October 8, 2005 (the day I moved in with Jason... but that didn't have anything to do with her death, I promise) and Velveteen, who would have been 10 years old this month.

They were pals.

I will never stop missing them.


JW.BW said...

Im sorry. I hope he has a safe trip and his family is ok.

Anonymous said...

Awww, that sweet bunny is sitting on your Grandma's lap right now, watching out for you! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your losses... I hate losing someone I love so much and although it is hard to get through somehow we do and the best part is our hearts are filled with memories of them!

Bayjb said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. Sending positive thoughts. Glad he was able to go home and be with the rest of his family right now.

Jamie said...

I hope things went okay while he came back to this state of suck. That's the worst possible reason to have to come back as well. =\