Monday, March 2, 2009

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Today I worked, cleared ten inches of snow off of my car, and went to the grocery store. What did my husband do? He went to Chicago for pizza and a taping of the Jerry Springer show.

Oh, military life.

He said a group of 15 Navy guys were going. They were supposedly going to be sitting in the front row. Unfortunately, they didn't get to go in uniform. I'll be sure to post about it if he makes it on TV.

In related news, we had to give notice about renewing or terminating our lease on Saturday. Since Jason doesn't have orders to a permanent duty station yet, we weren't in a position to make a commitment like that. I told our property manager just that, and she offered to write up a six-month extention at the same rate we've been paying, with a military clause that allows us to give them only 30 days' notice before moving out (it's usually 60 days). Sounds good to me!

In unrelated news, I am dying for a haircut. I haven't had one yet this year and I'm feeling raggedy. Any suggestions? What is hot right now? And yes, it really is that bad. See? Help!

My plan for tonight is to sit on my ass watching the Bachelor finale and attempting to stay up to watch New Kids on the Block on Jimmy Kimmel. Excellent. I obviously aim high.

I'm craving rum. Classy.

Most of all, I'm craving this:

Tomorrow marks four weeks since he left. I miss him so much.


Bayjb said...

That is awesome that he saw Jerry Springer. He's leaving Chicago soon.

Samsmama said...

I'm laughing way too hard. First, because you mentioned the grocery store. Oh, yes, I saw your comment over at MOFM. And I'm picturing you doing it.
Second, I'm all of a sudden ashamed of our troops. Going to see Springer? Oh, jeez. :)
Congrats on your living arrangement deal.
Hope your man is home soon!

k said...

How long will your hubs be gone?

Emily said...

I had a dream about jerry springer last night...I blame you lol

Jamie said...

Oh, I'm glad they didn't screw you with the lease. I was worried about that!

And you think your hair situation is bad? I haven't had my hair cut since last March. O_o