Monday, November 2, 2009

... black taco?

The power in base housing was shut down today for transformer maintenance (or whatever the heck), so I'm holding court at Starbucks with a gaggle of other Navy wives. I fully expect to see Bumblebee when I go home ----------->

Our Halloween was a non-event. I actually can't remember the last time I participated in Halloween. Probably in high school? I know I dressed up for school my senior year, but if I did anything in or since college, it has been conveniently deleted from my brain.

Instead of handing out candy, we had a date night--dinner out followed by two rounds of miniature golf. I reigned supreme as usual, beating Jason by 9 strokes the first round (even though he got a hole in one) and 2 strokes the second round.

This week we're packing him up to head out on the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier for two weeks--or at least that's what they're saying. I will not be surprised if they keep them there longer. And by there, I mean on the carrier. I don't know if they're actually going anywhere specific. They might just be sailing around in circles in the Pacific Ocean. Whatever the case, I'm stocking his sea bag liberally.

In other news, I think those Taco Bell "black taco" commercials are hysterical. Like, I lie in bed and can't stop laughing because my mind keeps saying "black dress, black dog, black taco" over and over and over. And then Jason laughs because I'm laughing and I laugh because he's laughing at me, and when we finally start to calm down one of us says "black taco" out loud and we start laughing all over again.

Please tell me I am not the only person who thinks that commercial is funny.


Samsmama said...

"Black eye" is what gets me every single time! Don't know about you, but on Halloween Taco Bells in our area were giving out free black tacos from 6-12. Since I left the guys behind to run and get "dinner", I only scored one free one. Worth every penny.

Bayjb said...

That commercial is pretty hilarious, it's the first time i've seen it too! Oh Taco Bell...

Kimberly Wright said...

Its funny and kinda strange.

Brittany Ann said...

I die at that commercial, too! Every time!

Jamie said...

I'll fess up and say I don't get it, but do get ridiculously giggly over the cable guy in the Fios commercials.